Monday, February 11, 2013

My thoughts on Valentine's Day, rewritten and reposted 2/11/2013

My thoughts on Valentine's Day.

I was thinking that we make such a big deal out of Valentine's Day. We shouldn't focus on love just one day..
For one thing, shouldn't couples treat each other with love the whole year round instead of just one day? Shouldn't they show each other love with little acts of kindness every day or lots of other days? If you love someone, you show it ALL the time. Birthdays are especially important, especially for some people. (My son doesn't think we should observe any particular day as better than another and he has a point. God gave us all days to enjoy).
Another thing is that it is hard on singles to face the big "V. Day" when they don't have a significant other. And there is all this emphasis on being "in love". When we have been rejected or left or never had love or someone died, all the emphasis on this day can be difficult. We are especially reminded of our lack on this day.
But, going deeper, as Christians, don't we know the Greatest Lover of all time? He created us to have fellowship with Him. God loved us before we were born- He chose us to be His people. Whether we accept it or not, He still chose us. Several places in the O.T. and the N.T. He shows how He wants a relationship with us. What kind of Love is this?
In Jeremiah and Psalms and others God tells us He knew us before we were born and fashioned us. He picked Abraham out of all the people at that time to have descendants like the sands at the seashore. Before him there was Noah. And Abraham's linage- still don't understand Jacob, such a scoundrel, but He wanted them to be a people set apart. And my favorite, Joseph, He picked him out to save the people from famine. And then, Moses and Joshua..etc.
This great God chose to speak to us through different means- prophets, the Word, signs, visions (or dreams), other people. He is Mighty God, Creator of the universe, yet He chose to speak to us, to love us, to have fellowship with us, to be our Father. What kind of Love is this?
 He loved the whole world He created so much, that He sent His only Son to show us, to teach us how to live, by His words and by His example. Jesus came to all men, loving , healing, reaching out, but only the humble will accept Him. And then Jesus gave His life to die for sinful man and rose again to give us new life so that we might live with Him. What kind of Love is this?
We have no condemnation in Him, once we confess and repent, the slate is wiped clean. "If God so loved the world that He gave His Son, will He not give us freely all things?" Rom. 8. Also He has said He will NEVER leave us. Those of us that have suffered rejection and people leaving us by death as well, don't ever have to worry about God leaving us. He is always ready to listen to our heartful crys and prayers. We may not hear Him answer us the way we want, or in the time we want. He also may wait to answer until we are really desparate, but He answers in His time. What kind of love is this?

 If we have God, what more should we need? I know that it can be wonderful to have "that special someone" but God's love is all consuming and there all the time. This is the kind of Love we should have our focus on. The love between people, although good, pales by comparison.
So, I just want to say that God through His Son, Jesus, is my Valentine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so right. We should show our love everyday. God is love, all the time. Although Valentine's Day is fun, and romantic, the cards and all the hoopla was invented to sell cards, and then came the flowers, and chocolates, teddy bears. Don't get me wrong, I love getting flowers, and chocolates, but getting them out of know where, for no reason would even be better.